
SDMC 聯合創辦人 Chris Tam 於2023年7月4日,主持由工業貿易署轄下中小企業支援與諮詢中心(SUCCESS)舉辦的「探索數碼領域:數碼轉型和營銷指南」。 會上 Chris 分享了數碼營銷最新趨勢、中小企數碼轉型和 O2O 營銷策略貼士。


Our co-founder, Chris Tam, has been invited by SUCCESS to lead a power-packed seminar: “Navigating the Digital Landscape: A Guide to Digital Transformation and Marketing”.

In the seminar, Chris shared the latest digital marketing trends, strategies for a successful digital transformation and the insights for effective Online-to-Offline (O2O) business models.

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