
由 SDMC 和 濠江青年商會聯合舉辦的「商夢啟航」考察交流活動完滿結束,感謝各位的參與。我們非常榮幸能與來自各行各業的嘉賓就數碼營銷、物聯網和金融科技的話題互相交流。

此次活動的舉辦,旨在提供一個交流平台,讓各位可以直接與業界專家對話。活動上,SDMC 共同創辦人Chris Tam、 @airwallex.global 合作夥伴經理 Marcus Cheng,以及 @t9_technine 市場推廣經理 Toby Chan 都帶來了非常精彩的演講,分別從各自的視角深入剖析了當前的行業趨勢和挑戰。


Thank you for joining our seminar! We are truly honored to have shared and exchanged ideas about digital marketing, IoT and fintech with guests from various fields.

Our co-founder Chris Tam, partnerships manager of Airwallex Marcus Cheng, and marketing manager of technine Toby Chan, all delivered exceptional speeches. They provided in-depth insights into the current industry trends and challenges from their perspectives.

We believe this seminar not only brought the latest industry knowledge and insights but also served as a great platform for communication and learning. Thank you again to all participants!


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