Boost your business with Online Advertising Service




Online advertising offers businesses the ability to reach a wider audience by collecting consumer shopping behaviors and browsing habits as well as connecting with the right target audience effectively. By utilizing various online advertising strategies such as Google Advertising, Yahoo Advertising, Facebook Advertising, YouTube Advertising, Instagram Advertising and Linkedin Advertising, businesses can maximize the benefits of online advertising and enhance their overall brand visibility.

Increase brand online exposure

Leveraging the benefits of online advertising can help businesses improve their search engine rankings, making it easier for customers to find them online. Having a strong online presence, businesses can attract more customers and generate more leads. SDMC specializes in creating tailor-made online advertising campaigns that help businesses increase their online exposure and drive traffic to their websites.

Google Advertising

Google is the world's largest search engine, handling over 56 billion search queries each day. With its massive user base and multiple ad formats, Google can help increase your brand exposure to your potential customers. Choosing the right keywords is the key to increase your website visibility on Google. As a goal-oriented online advertising agency, we develop thorough SEM strategies to help you target the right keywords and formulate relevant website contents.

To maximize the advertising effectiveness, adjusting the keywords and creating high quality content is very important. As a leading digital marketing agency, we develop a thorough SEM strategy to help you find the right keywords and create impressive website content.

Yahoo Advertising

Yahoo Native Ads create rich and compelling ad experiences by adding advertising messages seamlessly into editorial content. By placing the advertising on the first and inner pages, users receive information more easily when browsing the web. Yahoo Native Ads also appear across various devices, increasing visibility to a wider audience.

The pay method of Yahoo is Cost-Per-Click (CCP), which means only have to pay when the user clicks into the advertising and impression is free. Also, by specifying the time and area, the ads can reach the target audience more efficiently.

Formulating the interesting content of the advertising can attract the target audience in a moment. Combine advertising and content, cooperate the content marketing in different mediums.


Facebook廣告行銷 (Meta) 

Facebook Advertising is considered as an effective way to reach your target audience. Facebook is the world's largest social media platform with over 2.91 billion monthly active users, including over 5 million users in Hong Kong, accounting for 70% of Hong Kong population.Facebook is considered as an effective way to reach your target audience.

Creating compelling content for your ads can spark discussions, increase brand exposure, and reach potential customers.

Our team of professionals use multiple ad formats to ensure effective content on Facebook that reaches the desired target audience and increases revenue.

YouTube Advertising

YouTube is the largest video sharing website with over 20 million users around the world.

Advertisements that appear before, after, or during a video are called In-Stream Ads, which can be divided into three categories: Skippable In-Stream Ads, Non-Skippable In-Stream Ads, and Bumper Ads. Skippable In-Stream Ads are played for 5 seconds, viewers then have an option to skip the ad. Non-skippable In-Stream Ads and Bumper Ads are both non-skippable ads. And must be watched before a video for at least 15 seconds. And 6 seconds respectively. YouTube Advertising focuses on providing a positive user experience.

Interactive YouTube advertising allows you to reach your target audience more directly, with the potential to maximize your advertising efficiency.

Instagram Advertising

Instagram is one of the fastest growing social media, with more than 1 billion monthly users, 500 million of which use Instagram every day. 65% of its users are between the ages of 18 and 35 making it an effective platform to target a younger audience. Instagram offers a variety of advertising formats including Image Ads, Video Ads, Carousel Ads, Story Ads and Shopping Ads.

Our team of social media experts help you engage with customers through creative captions, videos and photography, positioning you ahead of the competition on Instagram.

LinkedIn Advertising

LinkedIn is the best social network in the business world, and also a powerful tool to generate leads for B2B marketing. As the largest job search platform, there are many highly educated and high-income individuals adopting LinkedIn. For B2B businesses, Linkedin helps build word of mouth and grow the business. Linkedin ads include sponsored content, text ads and dynamic ads.

Linkedin Advertising can help build up a strong B2B network and connect with different target audiences. Our team of professionals will help you with content creation and pick up the most effective ad formats for your business.

Acquire Professional Online Marketing advice NOW

4 Steps to Get Started with Digital Marketing

Step 1 - Understanding your need

Understanding your company background, service, website, and the entire industry, and estimate the time required for improvement.

Step 2 - Professional advice

Collect and analyze user data to have a better understanding of customers behavior and provide tailor-made services.

Step 3 - Quick Quote

After collecting all information required, we will provide an estimated schedule and service quotation in a short time. The fee is clear and transparent with no extra charge.

Step 4 - Project Follow-up

As long as both parties confirm and agree, the service will commence. The entire service will be handled by a project manager, and the progress will be reported on time.

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