What is Micro-mart?
Micro-mart is a social e-commerce system which is based on wechat and developed by third parties.
Through this platform, consumers can finish the process of the online and offline integrated service model for product inquiry, interaction, purchasing and making payment. Consumers have a variety of products to choose from and shop on Micro-mart.
SDMC X Micro Alliance Group
Micro Alliance Approved Service Provider in Asia Pacific
微盟Weimob 是騰訊投資的戰略合作夥伴,亦是國內最大的微信公眾服務平台, SDMC 與微盟有長期穩定的合作關係, 是微盟認可亞太區服務供應商,為商家提供小程序電商解決方案,包括線上線下的互通 (O2O)、社會化客戶關係管理 (SCRM)、移動電商 (VSHOP)。