Vita Green

Vita Green was established in 1993 and currently has over 1,000 employees along with 60 retail stores and counters. The company produces and develops well-known products such as Lingzhi Capsules, which is a consistently trusted modern Chinese medicines.


Health and Beauty


The client wanted to promote new products, maximize landing page views, and maximize conversion rates.

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Based on the different stages of the customer journey (Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion), we have selected ten online media with varying audience characteristics to meet the needs of each stage. The collaborating media includes:

  1. King Jer - Awareness Stage
  2. TOPick - Consideration Stage
  3. GirlStyle - Conversion Stage
  4. UHK - Awareness, Consideration, and Conversion Stages

Acquire Professional Online Marketing advice NOW

4 Steps to Get Started with Digital Marketing

Step 1 - Understanding your need

Understanding your company background, service, website, and the entire industry, and estimate the time required for improvement.

Step 2 - Professional advice

Collect and analyze user data to have a better understanding of customers behavior and provide tailor-made services.

Step 3 - Quick Quote

After collecting all information required, we will provide an estimated schedule and service quotation in a short time. The fee is clear and transparent with no extra charge.

Step 4 - Project Follow-up

As long as both parties confirm and agree, the service will commence. The entire service will be handled by a project manager, and the progress will be reported on time.

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