【活動重溫】Swire Group Google Analytics 4 實務工作坊

Google Analytics 4 實務工作坊-cover

SDMC 很榮幸獲得Swire Group Swire Resources 資源邀請,主持Google Analytics 4實務工作坊,向參與者講解Google Analytics 4的基礎設定及操作技巧的專業知識。通過實踐經驗,參與者能夠深入了解GA4 的關鍵概念。希望是次培訓課程能夠幫助大家更有效利用數據分析工具改善數碼營銷成效。

SDMC 日後將會為企業客戶舉辦更多數碼營銷工作坊,分享我們於數碼營銷經驗,協助客戶製定合適的營銷策略。

Google Analytics 4實務工作坊
時間:15:00 -17:00
早鳥優惠:$1500 $900


  • GA4的所有基本設定
  • 使用主訂報表分析資料
  • 連結GA4的其他工具
  • 解讀維度與指標
  • 事件架構基礎介紹

SDMC was very honored to be invited as the speaker of a training workshop at Swire Group. During the workshop, Chris shared his expertise on the basic settings and practical skills in Google Analytics 4. Through hands-on experience, attendees were able to gain an in-depth understanding of the key concept essential for GA4.

In the future, SDMC will organize more practical digital marketing workshops for our clients. We will share more of our expertise and help the corporations in  developing marketing strategies.

Upcoming seminar:
Google Analytics 4 Workshop
Date: 21 April 2023 & 28 April 2023
Time: 15:00 – 17:00
Early Bird Discount: $1500 $900
Format: Zoom
*Certificate will be given upon completion of the cource


  • Basic settings in GA4
  • Exploration Reports
  • GA4 tools
  • Dimensions and Metrics
  • Introduction of Events parameters
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